Whistleblowing hotline

Here you can report improper, unethical, or unlawful conduct violating our Code of Conduct.

CEZ Group companies, as the largest energy group in Czechia led by its parent company ČEZ, a. s., are aware of their role in society and their responsibility to their customers, business partners, as well as shareholders and employees.

To ensure ethical business standards, the management of the parent company ČEZ, a. s., has adopted systemic measures to reduce the risk of unethical or illegal conduct, which form an integral part of the Compliance Management System of CEZ Group companies. The list of CEZ Group companies is presented here.

The existence of the Whistleblowing Hotline is actively communicated to CEZ Group employees through mandatory training sessions (initial and periodic) and articles on the intranet and in the Company’s magazine Proud.

The Whistleblowing Hotline is designed to ensure the anonymity of the whistleblower and to protect them from sanctions, discrimination, or other retaliation. A whistleblower may be an employee, customer, business partner, or third party/public who makes a report or communicates concerns about suspected misconduct. Whistleblower protection is enshrined in the internal  regulation SKČ_ME_0329 “Procedures for Internal Investigation of Compliance Incidents” and as such is provided to all whistleblowers who make a report through the Whistleblowing Hotline channels.

All reports carried out through the Hotline are objectively and independently investigated by the Audit and Compliance department. Remedial measures are adopted based on the established facts. Dozens of notifications are examined annually in this way.

What is the Whistleblowing Hotline

The Whistleblowing Hotline has been created for

  • CEZ Group employees and statutory governing bodies
  • Business partners of CEZ Group companies,
  • and third parties

that are aware of improper, unethical, or unlawful conduct against CEZ Group’s interests.

The management and operation of the Whistleblowing Hotline is part of CEZ Group's Compliance Management System.
Using the Whistleblowing Hotline is completely voluntary and discreet.
The Whistleblowing Hotline is one of the tools available for reporting unethical or unlawful conduct.

The Whistleblowing Hotline serves to report unethical or unlawful conduct violating our Code of Conduct.
Any behavior that is not in compliance with the adopted Code of Conduct.
Information reported through the Whistleblowing Hotline is received by the Audit and Compliance department of ČEZ, a. s.
You will be informed about the result of the investigation if you provide your contact information.
The Whistleblowing Hotline application allows reporting information completely anonymously, without providing contact information.
You can find a definition of the principles of CEZ Group's Code of Conduct here.
Information about CEZ Group and its companies can be found here.

As part of the operation of the Whistleblowing Hotline and the subsequent processing of the notifications received, your personal data (if you provide it) and/or the data of third parties may be processed.

The controller of the processed personal data, within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is CEZ Group or a Group company affected by the notified conduct.

Personal data is processed to detect unethical or unlawful acts and ensure an adequate response to such acts. The legal basis for such processing is to protect the legitimate interests of CEZ Group companies (in particular, to defend against financial loss, damage to reputation, or criminal liability) and to protect the life, health, and dignity of those against whom the unethical or unlawful conduct is directed.

The personal data collected is strictly protected by organizational and technical measures. As a rule, access to personal data is limited to designated employees of the Audit and Compliance department of ČEZ, a. s., who are responsible for dealing with unethical or illegal actions. Exceptionally, personal data may be shared with other entities, such as a contracted law firm or state authorities such as the police, prosecutors or courts, upon their legitimate request.

The personal data collected is processed and stored only in Czechia. The retention period for personal data is set proportionately with regard to the nature of the conduct under investigation (e.g., in the case of conduct constituting a criminal offense, the retention period may be set in accordance with the statutory limitation period set for that offense) or concerning ongoing litigation or administrative/court proceedings. After the purpose for which the personal data were processed and stored has passed, they will be deleted, shredded, or anonymized.

Further information regarding the processing of personal data, the rights associated with the processing of personal data, and the possibilities of exercising them, including information about the Data Protection Officer of our Company, can be found here.


Rules Categories Situation Description Whom It Concerns About You Thank you

Dear Employees, External or Internal Customers, Contractors

This reporting service can only be used to report unethical, improper, or unlawful conduct or situations concerning a communication that is not in compliance with the professional standards, or otherwise violates ČEZ Group's code of conduct.

We would like to ask you not to use the Ethics Hotline for reporting emergencies (such as fires, occupational injuries, or accidents, for which responsibility is held by the integrated rescue services), or in cases concerning business transactions or customer or other complaints.

This Ethics Hotline serves primarily for those users that are not sure how or whether to report unethical conduct.

Please, provide as much detailed information as possible about the alleged violation of rules of conduct in relation to the chosen category.

All information provided by means of the Ethics Hotline is protected against misuse, archived, and stored in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and other legislation governing the processing and protection of personal data.

You can also send your report via e-mail to compliance@cez.cz