30. 8. 2007

CEZ Group Is Interested in Heat Distribution in Poland

Today, the CEZ Ciepło Polska Sp. z o.o. Company submitted a bid for bankruptcy assets of PEC Katowice, a heat distribution company.

“On our part, the participation in the tender for heat management is a logical step. PEC takes 95 % of heat production from Elcho power plant, for which it now duly pays. The ownership of the distribution networks opens the possibility of interesting synergic effects for us,” said Daniel Buryš, Elcho power plant’s financial director.

PEC Katowice (Przedsiębiorstwa Energetyki Cieplnej Katowice S.A.) is one of the biggest heat distribution company in Poland; its heat ducts reach the length of 463 km. PEC Katowice is 100% owned by the Polish state and is the exclusive distributor of heat and hot water to the main regions of the Silesian agglomeration – the cities of Katowice, Siemianowice, Swietlochlowice, Chorzow and Myslowice. PEC’s bankruptcy assets are sold under tender invited by the trustee in bankruptcy. Details of the bid will not be published.

CEZ Group acquired Polish power company ELCHO Chorzow in May last year together with the power company Skawina. Both power plants are located in industrial areas around Polish cities Katowice and Krakow not far away from the borders with the Czech Republic.