Press releases pg. 1

Sustainibility and ESG
Environment and renewable resources

ČEZ offices going green and will only use emission-free electricity. Photovoltaics with total capacity of up to 1.6 MW will be built on building roofs

ČEZ offices are switching to clean energy. In 12 locations across the Czech Republic, up to 3,700 photovoltaic panels will be built on the roofs of office buildings or in close proximity to them over the next two years. ČEZ is still examining another twenty buildings in terms of suitability for installation. The photovoltaics will be supplied and operated by the subsidiary ČEZ ESCO. Starting this year, ČEZ has been covering the remaining office consumption with emission-free energy produced in Czech solar and nuclear power plants. Currently, the ČEZ Group operates 130 MW of photovoltaics in the Czech Republic and wants to build thousands of megawatts by 2030 as part of its Clean Energy of Tomorrow strategy.

5. 4. 2024

Sustainibility and ESG

CEZ Group hosts Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Council meeting

CEZ Group is currently hosting a working meeting of the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Council of the global non-profit think tank Conference Board. Sustainability leaders from global companies came to Prague to share best practices related to sustainability and to discuss the impact of current and upcoming ESG legislation.

13. 10. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Power plants

ČEZ Prodej has increased photovoltaic installations by more than 50 percent this year. Customers can now buy their PPP earlier, with a new battery and only a minimal upfront deposit

The market for rooftop photovoltaics in households is again growing this year. By the end of May, ČEZ Prodej had installed 50 percent more photovoltaic power plants than in the same period last year. After a series of bad experiences with unreliable PPP suppliers, customers are becoming more cautious and prefer to pay only minimal upfront deposits for installations. ČEZ Prodej is complying with client demands and now requires only a 10% deposit when signing a contract. ČEZ Prodej and the manufacturer OIG Power have together also introduced the new ČEZ Battery Box Queen hybrid battery system.

31. 5. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities

CEZ Group is the first Czech company to join the global UN initiative CEO Water Mandate for reducing consumption

CEZ Group is the first Czech company to join the CEO Water Mandate, a special initiative of the UN Secretary General and the Global Compact corporate platform. With membership in the initiative, CEZ owns up to a commitment to address water protection in a comprehensive manner, in cooperation with the United Nations, national governments, civic initiatives, and others. The participating companies undertake to introduce effective water-management measures and to share examples of best practice in water protection and consumption reduction. Other European utilities companies such as Enel, Engie, E.ON, and Iberdrola have also joined the initiative. By joining, CEZ will step up the water-saving measures with which it has reduced the consumption of drinking water in its classic power plants by two-thirds in the last 10 years.

22. 3. 2023