Press releases pg. 19

Nuclear power plants

IAEA leads operational safety mission to Dukovany nuclear power plant, Czech Republic

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), at the request of the Government of the Czech Republic, has assembled an international team of experts to conduct an Operational Safety Review (OSART) of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Dukovany, Czech Republic.

6. 6. 2011

Nuclear power plants

ČEZ handed over the EIA documents regarding completion of the Temelín nuclear power plant to the Ministry of Environment

The ČEZ company has delivered the documents regarding effects of the “New nuclear source in the Temelín locality, including power transmission to the Kočín switch yard” on environment today. It is a further step within the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA) that follows the preliminary proceedings and its conclusions.

31. 5. 2010

Nuclear power plants

Applicants interested in completion of Temelín submitted their applications for participation

The period when potential applicants could submit their applications for participation in tender for completion of the Temelín NPP, i.e. construction of two nuclear units, including delivery of fuel and an option for delivery of other three nuclear units in Europe, expired today at 12:00 o’clock.

30. 10. 2009