Press releases pg. 1

Environment and renewable resources
JE Temelin traffic
JE Dukovany traffic
Power plants

Czech Nuclear Power Plants Comply with International Environmental Protection Standards

The Temelin and Dukovany nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic meet the requirements of international environmental protection standards. Such is the main conclusion of a recertification audit conducted by the international company Det Norske Veritas. This prestigious ecological certificate for environmental management has been held by the Temelin power plant without interruption since 2004, and by the Dukovany plant since 2001.

12. 12. 2022

JE Temelin traffic

CEZ has today delivered Information on operating events at Temelin Nuclear Power Plant in the years 2002-2007

CEZ Power Company has today presented to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic the official Information on operating events at Temelin Nuclear Power Plant. This Information was prepared following the requirement which resulted from discussion of the Minister of Industry and Trade Martin Riman, Minister of Environment Martin Bursik, Chairwoman of the State Office for Nuclear Safety Dana Drabova and representatives of CEZ taking place on 17 March, 2007.Since the initiation of trial operation in 2002, there has been no operating event which might be rated as an incident or accident by the international INES scale at Temelin. The Information describes 166 operating events classified as 0 deviation and 1 anomaly.

24. 4. 2007

JE Temelin traffic

Temelin will buy fissionable fuel from the Russion TVEL

The Russian company TVEL will become a new fissionable fuel supplier for Temelin Nuclear Power Plant from 2010. In that year the contract with the American firm Westinghouse expires. The contract of fissionable fuel supply for two VVER-1000 reactors of Temelin Nuclear Power Plant has been concluded by the representatives of CEZ, a.s. and the Russion corporation TVEL today. The contract has been signed by Jiri Borovec, Vice-Chairman of the Board and director of production division, and Daniel Beneš, Vice-Chairman of the Board and director of administration division, on behalf of CEZ and Anton Badenkov, deputy president of the company, on behalf of TVEL.

17. 5. 2006

JE Temelin traffic

The Temelin Power Plant acquired the valuation Safe Enterprise

The Temelin Power Plant acquired, together with another 9 Czech firms, the valuation Safe Enterprise. Hereby, it ranked with the Dukovany Power Plant (which defended the certificate today) in the society of 52 enterprises of the Czech Republic that hold this valuation of Industrial Safety level.

26. 10. 2005