Press releases pg. 3

Nuclear power plants

Elektrárna Dukovany II of the CEZ Group received supplemented bids from bidders for the construction of a new nuclear source in Dukovany and binding options for three additional nuclear units

Elektrárna Dukovany II (EDU II), a wholly-owned subsidiary of ČEZ, has received supplementary bids for the construction of a new nuclear source in Dukovany. The bidders have submitted updated bids for the fifth unit of Dukovany and now also binding options for additional three units. French-based EdF and KHNP of South Korea had time until 9:00 AM today to submit their bids. EDU II will now assess the bids from financial, business and technical points of view. The evaluation model is based on recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

30. 4. 2024

Sustainibility and ESG
Environment and renewable resources
Heating planting
Power plants

Dětmarovice moving away from coal. ČEZ will build new low-emission heating and power plant in location for CZK 2 bn and will ensure heat supplies for Bohumín and Orlová for next decades

*ČEZ plans to invest tens of billions of crowns in the Moravian-Silesian Region by 2040.
*The first investment is the construction of a modern low-emission heating and power plant in Dětmarovice.
*ČEZ has concluded long-term contracts for heat purchase with Orlová and Bohumín.
*The heating and power plant’s modernisation will also help improve the environment. Emissions of CO2, sulphur, nitrogen and particulate matter are estimated to be reduced by between 94% and 98%.
*ČEZ also intends to develop small modular reactors, renewable energy sources and batteries in the region.

The Moravian-Silesian region is one of the most important for ČEZ and its future energy plans in the Czech Republic, so the largest Czech energy group wants to operate here in the coming decades. By 2040, ČEZ plans to invest tens of billions of crowns in the region. In the first phase this is mainly about an investment of around CZK 2 bn in the construction of a new modern low-emission heating and power plant in Dětmarovice. Today, ČEZ concluded long-term contracts for the purchase of heat from the new sources with Orlová and Bohumín. The modernisation of the heating and power plant will also help improve the environment. Emissions of CO2, sulphur, nitrogen and particulate matter are estimated to fall by between 94 and 98 percent ČEZ also intends to develop small modular reactors, renewable energy sources and batteries in the region.

26. 4. 2024

Sustainibility and ESG
Environment and renewable resources

E-mobility on the rise: In Q1, ČEZ network capacity increased year-on-year by 39% and consumption by 65%. More advantageous plans have contributed to growth of registered drivers to 27,000

*In Q1, drivers took over 1.8 m kWh of green electricity from the ČEZ network
*This is 65% more than in the first three months of 2023
*The total capacity of ČEZ’s network of public charging stands for e-cars exceeded 51 MW
*The 39% year-on-year growth in capacity is driven mainly by the installation of ultra-fast stations
*The busiest stations were in Prague and on the D1, D5 and D10 motorways

Over the last 12 months, the network of ČEZ public charging stations for electric vehicles has grown by 135 stands. Every fourth newly built charging station had a power output of 150 kW or more, which allows drivers to recharge their batteries for up to 150 km of driving within 10 minutes. The number of registered customers has also increased to 27,231 drivers due to discounted charging. All this is reflected in the volume of emission-free electricity consumed. While in the first three months of last year drivers drew approximately 1 m kWh from ČEZ stands, this year it is already over 1.8 m kWh. The network is growing thanks to funds from the Operational Programme Transport and from the ČEZ Group’s own investments.

24. 4. 2024

Sustainibility and ESG
Products and services

Almost 90% of households actually save money after purchasing photovoltaics or heat pump. ČEZ Prodej surveyed consumption of 2,500 customers

In the vast majority of cases, households that purchase photovoltaics or a heat pump actually save money and see a significant reduction in consumption. This was the result of an analysis prepared by ČEZ Prodej using a sample of almost 2,500 customers. According to the data, the biggest potential for savings comes from replacing an old electric boiler with a heat pump – three quarters of customers save more than a fifth of their consumption, and six out of ten more than 40%. For photovoltaics with a battery, a quarter of customers achieved electricity savings of more than 40%. Only one percent of customers did not save money after acquiring the technology, likely due to other increases in household consumption.

23. 4. 2024