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Vision 2030

CEZ Group's values are the basis of the corporate culture on which we have grown over the years. The values represent shared beliefs and desired conduct expected of all our employees. Embedded in key governing policies, these values are naturally integrated into the company. As a result, the values positively influence the internal atmosphere, external perception, customer satisfaction, and business results of CEZ Group.

Our governance targets
  • Diversity and equal opportunities

    We will reach 30 % female representation in management.


  • Business ethics

    We will increase the frequency of employee training in the Business Ethics, training at least 95 % of employees annually from 2022 onwards.

The following principles represent our corporate values:

We encourage employees to put the principles at the forefront of their daily working lives. In doing so, employees create synergies innate to CEZ Group and help to implement our strategy and vision. Accordingly, we attempt to set the right values and principles to create the right work environment and build a strong team.

0/0Joining the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP)

CEZ Group became a signatory to the UN's Global Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) initiative. As a member of this initiative, CEZ Group is committed to strengthening diversity, equal opportunities and fair treatment of women in accordance with the principles set by the United Nations. 

0/0Top 20% in the ESG rating

CEZ Group has fulfilled its commitment to be among the top 20% of energy companies in the ESG rating for 2023. 

0/0First loan tied to an ESG rating

CEZ Group is the first in the Czech Republic to close a loan tied to an ESG rating. 

0/0New Nuclear Unit in Dukovany

CEZ Group received offers from bidders for the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Dukovany. 

0/0No Corruption and bribery

CEZ Group had zero incidents of corruption and bribery. 

0/0Award for the Diversity and Inclusion from BPS

CEZ Group received a special jury award from Business for Society, the largest platform for sustainable business in the Czech Republic, for the category Diversity and Inclusion. 

0/0International Award

CEZ Group succeeded in the international Environmental Finance Company Awards 2023, in the category Best Sustainability Reporting in EMEA and Sustainability Leader of the Year 2023. 

0/0Health Promoting Enterprise Award

CEZ Group received the Health Promoting Enterprise award from the National Institute of Public Health (an award for companies promoting health at the workplace and caring for the health of their employees above and beyond the law).  

0/0Due Diligence

ČEZ, a. s., carried out more than 1,000 compliance checks of suppliers and business partners in 2023. Due diligence is a mandatory part of procurement, acquisitions, and also divestment processes for potentially high-risk business cases. 

0/0Reuters Award

CEZ Group was the first company in the Czech Republic to win in the international competition Reuters - Responsible Business Awards 2023 in the Reporting and Transparency category for its Interactive Data Library. 

CEZ Group Code of Conduct
CEZ Group Code of Conduct

CEZ Group management promotes ethical values in all business activities and conduct. Management clearly states its objective in two primary documents: the CEZ Group Code of Conduct (hereinafter „Code of Conduct) and the Compliance Management System Policy.

The Code of Conduct sets forth ethical rules for employees and members of CEZ Group’s statutory bodies. The Compliance Management System Policy sets out the responsibilities, conditions, and tools for ensuring compliance with legal obligations and ethical standards in CEZ Group. Details of practical measures (e.g., training, prevention of conflicts of interest, whistleblowing, investigations) are part of the subsequent internal guidelines.

The Board of Directors of ČEZ, a. s., accepts full responsibility for compliance with the adopted ethical standards. This responsibility includes, among other things, the creation of appropriate conditions, adequate resources, effective governance structures, and control mechanisms.

The Code of Conduct, first published in 2015, undergoes regular reviews to reflect legislative demands and best practices.

The Code of Conduct is binding for all employees. New employees must review it upon hiring. Since 2022, subsequent training takes place annually (previously once every two years), with a target of at least 95% of staff participating. In 2023, 98.17% of employees of CEZ Group companies, whose training is provided by the Human Resources Development Department of ČEZ, a. s., received training on the Code of Conduct.

Commitment to Ethical Conduct.


Commitment to Governance

We respect the sustainability agenda adopted by the Czech government in the strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030 and we apply two key principles of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: quality of life and sustainability. The Czech strategic framework is based on seventeen global sustainable development goals (SDGs) adapted by the United nations member States in 2015. We link the selected global topics to CEZ Group’s sustainable development strategy. In 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

We are aware of our role in society and the responsibility this role inevitably entails. Our management emphasizes ethical principles in all employee and supply chain conduct. Through sound business ethics and relations, we strive to pave the way for trust with both shareholders and stakeholders. Currently, we are systematically reviewing all policies under the Policy Matrix ESG Initiative, which will expand the matrix with specific measures and targets.

In accordance with the CEZ Group's interest, management systems are being introduced to support corporate management. These management systems are certified by accredited certification bodies or verified by independent bodies designated for this purpose, in accordance with the expectations of stakeholders. Certification of individual companies within the CEZ Group promotes transparency and communication to the general public and other stakeholders.

The Sustainability Report is prepared in accordance with globally recognized reporting frameworks to meet the highest standards of transparency. We use the fundamental version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021 standards, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards for energy companies and electricity producers, and metrics and disclosed information from the World Economic Forum (WEF). For a significant portion of Scope 1, we report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with independently verified emissions under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). For the remaining part of Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3, we use the GHG Protocol.


We respect the sustainability agenda adopted by the Czech government in the strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030 and we apply two key principles of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: quality of life and sustainability. The Czech strategic framework is based on seventeen global sustainable development goals (SDGs) adapted by the United nations member States in 2015. We link the selected global topics to CEZ Group’s sustainable development strategy.

In 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Main SDGs
Gender Equality
Gender Equality

CEZ Group has had a long history of promoting diversity. In 2014, we were one of the first signatories of the European Diversity Charter in Czechia. Following the Diversity Charter, we are committed to maintaining a workplace environment open to all, irrespective of their gender, race, skin color, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or trade union membership. We support equal opportunities for women and their full and effective participation in decision-making at all levels of private and public life. In December 2021, the Board of Directors adopted a Diversity and Inclusion Policy, binding for all CEZ Group companies. The policy declares a culture of diversity, respect, trust, equal opportunities, and workplace dignity. The policy outlines a comprehensive approach to the company’s diversity goals.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

We have absolute respect for human rights and clearly declare our stance in the Code of Conduct. We operate only in countries with a strong human rights legal framework. Each country in which we operate is a signatory of the International Labor Organization conventions, and respect for human rights is a norm in CEZ Group. As a UN Global Compact participant, we duly subscribe to its principles. We reject forced or compulsory labor and child labor in our entire value chain. As an employer, we strive to maintain social peace. We recognize the importance of the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, occupational health and safety, and fair and satisfactory working conditions. At the same time, we only work with suppliers who also subscribe to these principles.

Other SDGs
  • Partnerships for the Goals

    We have partnered with multiple organizations to increase our reach and create synergies through cooperation. In Czechia, we are members of Association of Social Responsibility, Business Leaders Forum, and Business for Society. Globally, we joined UN Global Compact, UN CEO Water Mandate, Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). We have joined the Pride Business Forum Memorandum and signed a Memorandum on Cooperation in Climate Protection, the Energy Sector, and Certain Related Areas with the Czech Ministry of the Environment to support national efforts in reaching SDGs by 2030.